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How to Become A Successful Professional Blogger In 4 Little-known Steps

To become a professional blogger, you need to have either a computer or smartphone that will connect you to the world you would like to teach your audiences as a blogger.

You are about to learn the inside true blogging secrets that only successful bloggers know and utilize to make a lot of money. 

I would like to reveal bloggers'secrets that any body must know if they want to become a successful blogger.

These secrets are always evident in the most successful blogs, and all low converting blogs obviously lack these blogging techniques. 

If you know the four blogging secrets I make an offer to you, you will be able to make more money and effectively blog like a true professional.

So, I would like to offer you these secret blogging tips to learn how you can be successful as a professional blogger like a Problogger.

4 Secret Blogging Tips 

1. Research Your Audience First

One of the most first blogging secrets that all successful bloggers use is Research. What do most successful bloggers use to become rich? 

This is a research they use to sell products or services to the audience. This is one of the biggest blogger secrets. What is my secret blogging tricks? Do you want to know this? 

Then the trick you need to know is find one of the most popular blogs and then research what they often blog and copy the same techniques and trends that they are doing or practicing.

Why do most successful blogger make thousands of dollars? It is because they have researched a topic or niche that have a lot of traffic and stick to this luck. That is where they get a lot of traffic daily. 

You don't need to steal anything from the big blog. All you can do as a successful blogger is to analyze everything about these blogs. 

Notice the layout, ad placement and how they are selling products. Are they using plug ins that you are not using? Then apply their blogging details by implementing them on your blog as an example in a little different ways.

What they use lightweight template theme on their blog, I will have to use lightweight template theme on different color in the head, body and footer and so on.

Once your blog looks, feels and reads like the big blogs such as Problogger, Copywriter, MakeUseOf, etc, then local/ international readers will associate your blog with the professional blogs and your blog will convert higher.

2. Position Yourself As An Expert On Any Chosen Niche. 

All successful blogs or bloggers have one thing in common. They all have position experts in their chosen niche, and all of them are connected to the other successful blogs.

As for you to become a professional blogger, you must position yourself in an area of expertise around a topic on any subject of your choice according to your knowledge or understanding.

How did big blogs recognize you as a professional blogger in the chosen niche? How do readers associate your blog with the other big blogs?

This is what you should be a part of blogger blogs by commenting on their posts and actively engaging in discussion to provide helpful answers to readers. 

When you comment on the big bigs in relation to your chosen niche, you should leave a link back to your blog or website in the comment.

The second step after this first step is that you should blog or journalise about the same topic that are popular in the other big blogs. Then link back to the post about the same topic. 

This is the best way to be recognized on search engines when people are searching for the other post. 

When you are actively participating in the blog community with successful blogs that are on the same niche as you, then your blog will skyrocket to the top and you will get a lot of traffic.

3. Make Your Blog More Alive More Active.

The third blogging secret as a professional blogger is that you need a quick boost to making your blog more active, more alive. This secret is only known by a few bloggers who start a blog.

How do you boost your blog activity? How do you make your blog more alive, more active? 

What is the secret that you want to know about how you can boost your blogging activity? 

It is readers that they should comment on your blog posts when a discussion is already in place.

Readers will not gain a good impression and post comments if there are no comments or activity going on in the blog. 

So the secret blogging trick I can offer you to become a professional blogger is to get some instant activity so new readers can comfortably add their comments and link to your blog. 

Therefore, if your blog is not receiving much activity, it is time you should implement this blogging secret that only a few bloggers know. 

When you write your posts, add your own comment after signing out and you will be the first to start the discussion.

The next step is to hire some people to add to your discussion. You can pay very cheap for quality comments to get the discussion going. 

It is important to only pay for the first a few comments and then let your traffic take care of the rest. 

Once your blog has been active for a while, you will not need to pay for comments on your new blog posts as you will have the patronage of readers who will do it for you.

4. Domain Name Based On People's Search

All professional successful bloggers know the search engine power of the URL. This is their first blogging secret. It is actually common sense! The search engine power of the URL is rarely actually talked about. 

Your domain name and the URL can increase your search engine ranking 10× with simple one time change to your blog. 

Your domain name should be one or two or three keywords about your chosen niche.

For instance, if your blog is about " property", then your domain name should include those keywords: www.bloggingaboutproperty.com.

The second step is to optimize all your blog posts. 


For instance,you have recently added a blog post about how to buy a property. And the URL for that post should be optimized with your keywords: www bloggingaboutproperty.com/ how-to-buy-propert.htm.

Popular Search Engines like Google, Bing, etc in the search-box competition all crawl through your blog or website and find all the links and index them. 

The more links they find with your targeted keywords, the higher you rank. The easiest way to optimize the URL is to use blogger or WordPress either. Once you have WordPress set up, go to your admin dashboard and then find the Permalink Section and add this code: /%postname%.

For a blogger you want to use for your financial reason, go to blogger with your Gmail address. 

Then notice Permalink Section at the right hand from the Post Title below which they offer you two options: Automatic Permalink or Custom Permalink.

If you don't know how to customize this URL, then choose Automatic Permalink that will do for you as you place your post title. But if you know how to customize Permalink url, then you can choose Custom Permalink section to customize your url before you place your post title.

Final Thoughts

These are 4 secret blogging tips that I make an offer to you. So apply these blogging secrets to your blog to succeed in blogging. 

If you don't already have a blog, it is time you start your first blog as a test and see how it works. 

This is just a tip. Keep your eyes open and you shall see more that will make you more money. Keep practicing. Keep improving. And keep flourishing. 

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1 comment:

  1. I know what makes most bloggers most successful in blogging business is how they invest in knowledge and rich resources online that make them a millionaire blogger like Ariana Huffington, Tim Sykes, Peter Rojas, Chiara Ferragni, etc.

    You can not become a most successful blogger without investing in something.

    Many fail to become a millionaire blogger because they expect free.
    That is what I see that many people want to start a home business online from home for free or how to make money blogging for free without investment-as I type in the search engine.

    If you want to become a successful blogger, invest in something online that will pay you higher dividends later .
