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10 Easy Ways to Transform Your Business Idea Into A Successful Operational Business

to be successfully operational business is to start with ideas. Ideas are money.

For money making ideas, there are some bloggers that teach you about different money making business ideas while some others webmasters teach you about how to make money with your business ideas.

But in this article, I would like to share with you about the secret of how to attract money into your life. The following three lessons of this article are:

Is Paper Money Real Money?

What Is Value?

How To Evolve From Simple Business Idea To Successful Operational Business

Is Paper Money Real Money?

No. it is not real money because it is just a paper. If your money disappears into the air each time you earn from your sweat labour, work or public/or private service, it is called a paper. 

The pounds or naira or dollar paper or coin in your hand, pocket or bank account is just a paper. And no matter how millions you have, it is continually just a paper. It is not real money.

But the real money that can flow cashes into your pocket every day while you sleep is called VALUE. 

If you want money to come towards you or you want to receive money from some one, then you must readily exchange value. That is commensurate to what you want to give.

Therefore, I say again that paper money is not real money because it has no value. It can be suffocated or choked by the inflationary rate. So paper money must be a medium of exchange for value.

What Is Value?

Value is defined as something worth that can be exchanged in for or can benefit a person’s life in one way or the other. 

If you want value for life, you must find something that can sell in exchange for. Everything of value that is to exist was first created in peoples’ thoughts. Yes.

The starting point of all achievements starts with business ideas. Look at your surrounding now. Can you not see that thing that can add value around? Good! 

Before it was created, the first thing that has existed is in form of an idea in some one’s thought because the thing of value was conceived first by someone before going through the process of the creation of such thing. 

So if you have valuable thought, then you are in money for life because that will be processed into intangible values and be exchanged for money.

From here, lack of paper money is not an indication that you are poor. But lack of value is an indication how poor you are because you fail to create value that will definitely have money that can be exchanged.

 How To Evolve From Simple Idea To Successful Operational Business

Step-Plan#1: Change the way you think about money and its abundance. If you change the way you think you are, then making money in your life is much easier.

Step-Plan#2: If you are not sure or don’t know exactly what you want, then you will be surprised when you don’t get what you want. Decide exactly what you want and write what you want. Idea means think and plan or act.

Step-Plan#3: Try to think or purpose what you can do to help you accomplish this particular objection because late Bishop was quoted to say, if you can think of it, God will provide it for you.

Step-Plan#4: Then write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is merely a wish. Write it down whenever you get a chance.

Step-Plan#5: Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will help you move you toward your goal.

Step-Plan#6: Organize the list by priority. Decide what is more important and what is less important.

Step-Plan#7: One of the best ways you can improve your product or service is to create a new idea. Ask yourself some questions: what can I do make this product or service better?, etc.

Step-Plan#8: Resolve to take action every day that will move you from simple idea (goal) to successful operational business.

Step-Plan#9: Behave as if you believe that everything you get idea will happen. Accept that you are moving toward your goal and it is moving toward you.

Step-plan#10: Release your goal (idea) completely to your super-conscious mind because by doing, you will move or evolve from the positive thinking of the hopeful person to the positive knowing of the totally successful person.


Some among people in the world want to start business because they have money, but they don’t know what type of business they can do to start with money. 

It means idea they don’t know what to do. They try to canvass people for ideas. How wrong it is! Because it don’t work. Every individual has power to think.

According to Steve Oke, the owner of Oasdom.com, “what brilliant, creative and unique idea have you got?” Then find idea, build it passionately and you will make your path to business success. 

Ideas are money. So find idea (goal) and develop passion for that. Your money making ideas are inside you. Try to analyze it deeply yourself.

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