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How to Start An Online Business (With 6 Easy Ways)

Make money through online business

Welcome back to this wonderful information online. Leaning what kind of online business is most profitable? There are 6 different types of online business models you need to know how you can generate cash for you in this year.

There are types of fireproof online business models that will work in this year. 

This is an example you must understand how business models work and decide which business model you want to start and build your business brand to generate cash for you. 

Select which one that suits you. 

Okay? Now, dear readers, the internet changes fast, very fast. Business models that are having success one day can be gone the next.

As I said in my last article some where in my blog, you have to decide what you want, make a plan and stick to any of these online business models that fit you. 

I can't force you to select one- you decide yourself as you read this article. Okay. Let us talk about what is still working as of this year and which will still work.

List of Internet Business Models To Get Started

1. Make Money From Information Products

These could be Ebooks, How-to-videos, Membership Sites, online courses. Whether it is teaching someone how to lose weight, re-grow falling hair, build their own business, or trade Bitcoin/or cryptocurrency/or forex/ or stocks, people will always pay you for the information you produced for them to buy it for solution especially if it saves them the time to try and find it themselves and/ or presents the information in a unique way. 

The 'publishing' industry has been around for a very long time, and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. It will simply evolve. We are seeing a major 'shift' away from physical infoproducts (DVD, printed manuals, etc) and more products moving towards ALL DIGITAL- downloadable PDF reports, online streaming videos, MP3 audio flies.

In the world of 'instant gratification', the digital delivery model solves that urge and provides lower costs for the business owner selling information products, since there is practically zero cost of goods in providing downloadable products; aside from any server bandwidth costs which are incredibly cheap.

The entire book industry is also going through a major shift with what Amazon is doing with the Kindle. 

More people are buying and downloading ebook copies of real books than ever, and this trend is only going to continue its explosive growth, because of mobile devices like the Kindle, iPad, Nook, Kobo and Samsung Galaxy.

That is where gives you the opportunity to walk in as an infoproducer.

A powerful element of building a business around info-product is that it can be outsourced and you can simply hire someone else to not only write an ebook or special report for you, but even to shoot video content on YouTube.

You can produce special information, convert it into PDF ebook and sell it on Amazon store on your smartphone and enjoy royalties for life. 

2. Make Money From Producing And Selling Software

Our entire world now runs on software. There are many opportunities to develop software for a variety of niche markets and needs. 

We're now seeing software in different formats(all of them are having degrees of success)

• Mac or PC desktop software

• Web-based application

• Mobile and Tablet application

Software fortunes are being built every year by entrepreneurs that cannot program a single line of code. So, it's another great business model that can be outsourced.

A software business essentially has TWO primary roles:.

• Programmer

• Designer

User interface design is critical for success today. A good looking, user-friendly piece of software will often outsell a more complicated, more robust competing piece of software. 

Go learn to become a software developer if you want. It is high demand. And that gives you the opportunity to walk in as a software developer or as a programmer or professional designer.

3. Make Money Creating And Selling Content-Only Web Sites

Content-only web sites are what I call ' Virtual Real Estate' sites. These are web sites that are created to target certain keywords and niches and usually contain product reviews and articles. 

These sites are monetized from adsense, affiliate programs, and other advertising.

Since 'content' is what the internet is made up of, this model will always be around in one form or another. And it's not just for the 'little guy'. 

Massive companies like Demand Media, AOL, Huffington Post (was sold by Ariana Huffington who created it for $320 million dollars), and many others are essentially a content-only web site network. 

Locally, we have BellaNaija, TechLoy, Nairaland, nairametic, Opera News, mentioned to few. They are just making MILLIONS from their content-only web sites daily because they have a lot of traffic every day for public readers/ subscribers while most small entrepreneurs are generating thousands monthly daily. 

Another business that can be completed outsourced and SCALED. I am actually starting a content-based web business like this new web I humbly used blogspot for one reason or another. 

4. Making Money From E-commerce Stores

E-commerce or dropshipping is still thriving if not continue to grow. There are lots of opportunities to sell real products to people across a wide range of niche markets.

There are, however, many product categories that are being commoditized with lower prices (and margins). 

So you'll want to pick a market that has a higher margin and the products aren't necessarily readily available at every ShopRite and Game in the country, or you might have a hard time generating much revenue. 

Amazon.com has created some amazing opportunities for e-commerce store owners. 

Did you know you can now not only list your products for sale within Amazon's web site, but they will store and ship your products and collect payments and everything even Africa? 

Lots of e-commerce store owners are having great success by having Amazon handle everything--they just focus on marketing and have their inventory shipped to Amazon's warehouses. 

Amazon even handles customer support! Definitely something you might want to look into. 

5. Make Money From Professional Services Online.

This is an area that is often overlooked by people, yet can be a goldmine for those willing to venture into this area. 

There are millions of businesses that need a certain set of services.

• Content Writing

• Copywriting

• Graphic Design; logos or web sites

• Programming

• Market Research

• SEO and PPC Management

• Internet Lead Generation

• Customer Support

• And much more

There are companies out there making millions just by offer PPC Management services to other businesses. 

They manage campaigns and doing the keyword research for other businesses and take a percentage of everything they spend in AdWords. 

That alone is a great business that is only going to get bigger. 

The beauty of a Professional Services business is that almost every skill that you would offer to other businesses can be outsourced. 

Meaning you would just market the services (and you could even have offers do that too) while others do the actual work for the clients. This is a tried and true model that's been around for a long time.

6. Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

There is a lot of money to be made as an affiliate marketer, but for 99% of affiliates, you're probably not doing it right.


Because yo provide affiliate link what audience are not looking to buy it. You need to provide solution affiliate link what your audiences are looking for. 

Affiliate marketing is a great source of passive income especially when combined with other business models-- like information products, software, gadgets, utensils, professional services.

Final Thoughts

There are obviously other types of online business models that are still working, but the above ones are some of the biggest right now. This is the best online business to start with what you have and and grow profit..

Each one of those models continue to evolve, but the core business is still the same.

How do you start online business the right way and build wealth from this business model? Here is what is shared with you now:

How to Start An Online Business From Home

Step 1: Find A Needed Product

Creating and building wealth is to provide a needed product or service

Step 2: Get Paid For The Product(s)/Or Service(s)

That is it. That is the secret to all wealth building most successful bloggers or small business owners online are doing it. 

There is no better way to do this than to leverage the work of others. Write a small check for their work and get back a larger check for what their work made for your business. 

If you want to make this year your best year yet, I strongly challenge you to MASTER ONE OF THESE ONLINE BUSINESS MODELS. 

And see how much you can get done in the New Next Year From one more ember months by actually FOCUSING on one thing rather than running around doing one hundred different things! You'll be surprised how FAST your business can really start grow.

It will be the best investment you ever make in yourself and in ANY future of yours.

Success is Yours.

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