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Online Business Tips: Why Most People Fail Online And How You Can Avoid

Three reasons why online business fail and how you can avoid it.
Online Business Tips

Hey, guys, I had wanted to write about this for a long time now, but I didn't have any free time to do it. So I want to to do it now.
I dont want to bore you with all with a long post, so I'll try to be as short as possible.

I still see that people are downloading like crazy all those courses that teach the formulas for making enormously huge amount of money online. 

The fact is... It can be done! Truth is...

How? That's a good question....

So now, why do I keep seeing reviews for almost any course lately saying it's total.crap... it sucks.....it's not true.....and stuff like that. As a matter of fact, if you said this, you're RIGHT! 

So, what should you learn from all those courses that you insanely keep downloading one after another? 

They all show you something....that I think it's so obvious and I still don't understand; how can you see it?!

What do I mean by that? Well, when it comes to making money online, everyone of you is trying to find the so-called "shortcut' or the "one push-of-a-button software" that will change your life..

Well, here's the truth. There is no such a thing! 

I can almost hear you saying: "Nothing new!" Right?! 

Do you know that less than 5% of the internet marketers actually do what they sell you, and they make their 95% income of teaching other people?
They just get an idea, turn it into a digital product and sell it to anyone they can. That is the Reality!

So, I suggest you start using your own brain and try to figure out your own way to make money online, because...do you really believe that if someone is actually making 50k per month, he is going to sell you his incredible idea for $37? And do you really think that it's available for the next 200 people who join first even though if you sign up as a JV or Affiliate, you see the top price and it says 'minimum 50 sales"? 

There's hundreds of ways to make money; just start using your brain! Selling online is a Mind Game.

The next thing is buying into obvious scams. But I think the BIG obvious question should and is: Why are we being scammed? 

The main reason why there are scammers, is because we do not use our heads. Sorry for laying it bare like. But I'm here to tell the truth. 

I saw two adverts online recently. It said.... Earn $4000 a day without moving a finger! 

Earn $1000 to $5000 per day working from home for just 2-3 hours a day. 

It is obvious this is a scam. It is a pure scam. Not because it is not possible. Of course, it's possible. I learned that Ronake made a couple thousands online daily. This is a real business.

But you have to work, learn many things.... FIRST and foremost; before you make the money!

If you don't know jack, you won't make even $1 a day, PERIOD!

I've been in this business for a number of years and I believe I've learnt something. All methods work, we just need to take action. Like sales people say, WORK!

Personally, I have download it. Anytime I see something good, I click to download it. Serious disease that leads most people to have a full hard disk and get so overwhelmed they do not know where to start.

Download a file and never use it. Is it right? Do you think it involves in me? Yes. I did it. But I learnt a lesson. I feel better when I downloaded and used it. I have learnt how to use what I download.

How Do You Overcome This Challenge?.

Here's the recipe: Download a method and do it! Until you make enough money, you end up not downloading ANYTHING ElSE.

Here's what you should do. 

To be a successful internet marketer, there are basic things you need to know: 

How To Become A Successful Internet Marketer

1. You MUST have something to sell. It could be a physical product, an info product or a service. Anyone who tells you anything different is lying to you. Tell them I said so.

2. You must have a market to sell your something to. Be sure you first find a market for what you want to sell BEFORE you ever create it or advertise. If you don't don't this, you'll go broke.

3. Never ever copy the kind of advertising you see on TV. Learn the art of direct marketing. It's the only kind that works and can be measured. Learn copywriting. It's the best skill you can ever have in your life.

4. Build a list of people who are interested in what you want to sell. This is the next most important thing you MUST do if you want to succeed. 

Use auto-responders to collect contact details of your website visitors. Collect their names, phone numbers, email addresses and if possible their physical addresses.

If you have at least 5,000 to 10,000 people in your list, you'll never be broke again till you die. Yes, I said so. 

5. Create more and more things to sell to the people in your list and new people who discover them. The craziest mistakes need to be avoided in internet business.

To be an internet marketer, you need to know something important before you make money. Some of the internet marketers include a number of veterans who continue to make the same types of mistakes in internet marketing. 

Three Mistakes Internet Marketers Make And How You Can Avoid It

Here, there are a few mistakes you need to give attention to and avoid in order to ensure your internet business success.

A. Making Your Visitors Wait So Long For Your Website To Open

You need to have a good server so that you can give quick reaction or feedback. You can say goodbye to your potential customers if you make them waiting so long. 

Sometimes, you use some graphics that take two minutes to download or your server is not good. It makes your visitors bored, and they will leave your website.

B. Not To Take Any Initiative To Collectt Your Visitors Contact Details

One of the key of succetin internet marketing is having many contact details from your visitors. You have to remember that to market successfully online, you need people to market to.

You may create a permission-based list and ask your visitors to subscribe. Usually, some internet marketers give free ebooks, newsletters or reports so that their visitors can subscribe and provide these details.

C. Failing To List Your Site On Search Engine 

It is very surprising, but many fail to list their website on search engine. You should manually list your website on search engines to make sure you are listed where you want to be. 

It makes visitors find your website easily. Don't forget to use the keyword and SEO techniques so that your website will be listed on top sites on search engine.

Final Thoughts

Okay, I need you to know these things and apply it to achieve your internet marketing business on 24/7 internet. I hope you enjoy this article? Spread this link to everyone you know well.

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